muKEYMOVE3 Account Type Enter a valid account type. Valid types are: 1 - Asset 4 - Source of Funds(Revenue) 2 - Liability 5 - Use of Funds(Liability) 3 - Fund Equity Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP !KEYMOVE3 Account Number Enter the general ledger account number to be assigned to this account. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Account Description Enter an appropriate description of up to 30 characters for this account. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Associated Fund Enter the account number of the associated fund or press for a table of valid funds. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Delete Member A value of "Y" indicates that this account is no longer active and should be deleted. The account will be deleted the next time the "Purge Deleted Records" option is selected provided no current transactions exist and there is no accountr balance. Press for help on key movement. Press ESC to terminate HELP. General Ledger Accounts Add new accounts or maintain the description for existing accounts. Flag inactive accounts for deletion provided they are no longer active and have no balance. Enter a valid account type: The account types are: 1 - Assets 3 - Fund Equity Accounts 2 - Liabilities 4 - Source Of Funds (Revenue) 5 - Use of Funds (Expenditures) Press to terminate HELP Purge Deleted Accounts This option will purge all accounts marked for deletion. Press to abort this operation. Press any other key to begin the purge. Press to terminate HELP Church's Address Enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters for each line of the church's address. Press to terminate HELP. Attendance Date Enter in format the date for the attendance records you wish to build. Attendance for up to three user-definable events may be kept for this date. Press to terminate HELP Member No Enter a valid member number or press to view a popup table of members. Press to terminate HELP Event 1 Status Enter the appropriate value, Present or Absent, for this attendance event. The congregational attendance system supports up to three user-definable events. Press to terminate HELP Event 2 Status Enter the appropriate value, Present or Absent, for this attendance event. The congregational attendance system supports up to three user-definable events. Press to terminate HELP Event 3 Status Enter the appropriate value, Present or Absent, for this attendance event. The congregational attendance system supports up to three user-definable events. Press to terminate HELP Member No Enter a valid member number or press to view a popup table of members. Press to terminate HELP Attendance Date Enter in format the date for the attendance records you wish to build. Press to terminate HELP Status Enter the appropriate value, Present or Absent, for this attendance event. Press to terminate HELP ATTMENU Build Attendance Records Prior to posting attendance for a particular date, you must build attendance records for that date. This routine will prompt you for the date you wish to enter attendance for, then build records for the entire congregation. Attendance for up to three events may be kept for the entire congregation. This is an "exception" attendance system. That means you enter a default when records are created and post only the exceptions. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP ATTMENU Enter Attendance By Date Enter congregational attendance information for each member by attendance date. Up to three events may be recorded with the congregational attendance option. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP tmATTMENU Enter Attendance By Member Enter congregational attendance information for any and all dates by member. View and maintain all attendance records for a particular member. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP Build Attendance Records Prior to posting attendance records for a given date, you must first build the records. Enter the attendance date and default values, Present or Absent for each of the three events. Press to terminate HELP. Build Attendance Records Prior to posting attendance records for a given date, you must first build the records. Enter the attendance date, the organization number and the default value Present or Absent. Press to terminate HELP. Update Last Attendance Date The routine will update the "last attendance date" field in the member file based on the congregational attendance information. The routine should be run after completing the entry of congregational attendance records for a particular day. This date is used by the system when printing the attendance call list. Press to terminate HELP Purge Old Records This routine will purge old organizational attendance records you no longer wish to keep in the system. It should be run at least once a year to keep the file size manageable. Enter the date range for which you wish to purge records. Press to terminate HELP Purge Old Records This routine will purge old congragational attendance records you no longer wish to keep in the system. It should be run at least once a year to keep the file size manageable. Enter the date range for which you wish to purge records. Press to terminate HELP !ATTMENU Update Last Attendance Date The routine will update the "last attendance date" field in the member file based on the congregational attendance information. The routine should be run after completing the entry of congregational attendance records for a particular day. This date is used by the system when printing the attendance call list. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP teATTMENU Purge Old Records This routine will purge old congragational attendance records you no longer wish to keep in the system. It should be run at least once a year to keep the file size manageable. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP 6ATTMENU Build Attendance Records Prior to posting attendance for a particular date, you must build attendance records for that date. This routine will prompt you for the date and the organization you wish to entire attendance records for, then create the necessary records. This is ans "exception" attendance system. That means you enter a default (Present or Absent) when building records and post only the exceptions. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP ATTMENU Enter Attendance By Date Enter organizational attendance information for each member of the organization by attendance date. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP ATTMENU Enter Attendance By Member Enter organizational attendance information for any and all dates by organization by member. View all attendance records for a particular organization fo a particular member. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP e ATTMENU Purge Old Records This routine will purge old organizational attendance records you no longer wish to keep in the system. It should be run at least once a year to keep the file size manageable. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP ) ATTMENU Attendance Call List Print a roster of members with telephone number based on a runtime selectable "last attendance date". All members that have not attended since this date will print. After entering congregational attendance but prior to running this report, you must run the option "Update Last Attendance Date". Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP o ATTMENU Congregational Summary By Date Print a congregational attendance summary report by user selectable date range. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP omATTMENU Organizational Summary By Date Print a organizational attendance summary report by user selectable date range. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP /ATTMENU Congregational Detail By Member Print a congregational attendance detail report by member showing the attendance status each day. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP AATTA JATTJ BATTB KATTK CATTC LATTL DATTD MATTM EATTE NATTN FATTF GATTG HATTH IATTI XCMTSMENU Attendance Module Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any option, select the option below in the same manner. A) Build Attendance Records J) Attendance Call List B) Enter Attendance By Date K) Congregational Summary By Date C) Enter Attendance By Member L) Organizational Summary By Date D) Update Last Attendance Date M) Congregational Detail By Member E) Purge Old Records N) Organizational Detail By Member F) Build Attendance Records G) Enter Attendance By Date H) Enter Attendance By Member I) Purge Old Records %X) Exit to Main Help Menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. raATTMENU Organizational Detail By Member Print a organizational attendance detail report by member showing the attendance status each day. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP VIKEYMOVE3 Bank Number Enter a valid identifier for this bank. This number does not have to be the same as the bank general ledger asset account number. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP SEKEYMOVE3 Enter the bank fax number in format. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP >KEYMOVE3 Related GL Cash Account Enter the general ledger asset account number assigned to this bank account. This account must have been defined in the accounts file previously. This account will automatically be updated by the appropriate transactions. To select the account from a table of valid accounts, press . Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP >KEYMOVE3 Related GL Expense Account Enter the general ledger asset account number assigned to this bank account. This account must have been defined in the accounts file previously. This account will automatically be updated by the appropriate transactions. To select the account from a table of valid accounts, press . Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP TBKEYMOVE3 Bank Name Enter the name for this bank. This name is used for documentation purposes and does not replace the need for a descriptive account title for the bank general ledger asset account name. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Description of Account Enter any additional description of this account for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Check Account Number Enter the bank assigned check account number. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Address Enter up to three lines of address information for this bank. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Related GL Ecpense Account Enter the general ledger asset account number assigned to this bank account. This account must have been defined in the accounts file previously. This account will automatically be updated by the appropriate transactions. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Contact Enter the name of the primary contact person for this bank. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Telephone Enter the bank telephone number in format. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP PERSONAL SCHEDULER Day of The month To Change Days To Change Months Last Month Next Month + Last Year + Next Year Total number of AM Appointments + to Return to today's Total number of PM Appointments Press to access daily schedule. Press to terminate HELP. APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Use the < > and < > keys to move the highlight bar. Enter appointments as desired. YOU MUST PRESS to save any appointments before returning to the calendar. Press to enter additional note on the notepad. Press to return to the calendar. Press to terminate HELP. UPDATE NOTES Information typed into this field will be saved for the current appointment date. The information can be scrolled by using the , , +, and + keys, to view the additional rows not currently displayed. is used to save and return to the appoinment window. is used to return without saving. Pressing or < > on the last row will save the MEMO field without returning to the appointment window. Pressing or < > on the first row will erase current changes without returning. Press to terminate HELP. Description Enter a meaningful description for this category of reports (Membership Reports, Financial Reports, etc.). Reports may be accessed by category or by name. Press to terminate HELP UNKEYMOVE3 User Field 1 This field is user definable. It may contain one character. One excellent use of this field is as a status indicator for custom reports written with Clarion's Report Writer. The field description for this field is also user definable and may be maintained in the SETUP module. Press for help on key movement. Press ESC to terminate HELP. KEYMOVE3 User Field 10 This field is user definable. It may contain up to ten character. One excellent use of this field is as a status indicator for custom reports written with Clarion's Report Writer. The field description for this field is also user definable and may be maintained in the SETUP module. Press for help on key movement. Press ESC to terminate HELP. KEYMOVE3 User Field 2 This field is user definable. It may contain two characters. One excellent use of this field is as a status indicator for custom reports written with Clarion's Report Writer. The field description for this field is also user definable and may be maintained in the SETUP module. Press for help on key movement. Press ESC to terminate HELP. #/KEYMOVE3 User Field 5 This field is user definable. It may contain up to five character. One excellent use of this field is as a status indicator for custom reports written with Clarion's Report Writer. The field description for this field is also user definable and may be maintained in the SETUP module. Press for help on key movement. Press ESC to terminate HELP. KEYMOVE3 Amount Enter the transaction amount for this transaction. Note: Negative amounts are provided for adjusting type entries. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Journal Code Enter an optional user defined journal code that indicates the source of the transaction. Typical journal codes might be CHECK, PAYROLL, AP, etc. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP Outstanding/Cleared Flag Enter either "O"utstanding or "C"leared to indicate the status of checks, deposits, and other bank transactions. Press to terminate HELP For more information on CMTS and CMTS PLUS, contact: Torbert Data Systems, Inc. P. O. Box 9218 Chesapeake, VA 23321 Voice (804) 488-5506 BBS (804) 488-4146 Press to terminate HELP VMBRMENU RCMTSMENU Membership Maintain extensive information on all families and individuals within the church. Track special dates, talents, and organizations. Print mailing labels. View Module Details Return To Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. VDONMENU RCMTSMENU Donations Track donations by member and fund category. Choose between several statement formats. Maintain a comprehensive audit trail for all donations received. View Module Details Return To Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. VFUNMENU RCMTSMENU Fund Accounting This is a true fund accounting general ledger system. Most transactions are automatically created as a result of entering deposit and cash disbursement information. View Module Details Return to Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. VATTMENU RCMTSMENU Attendance Track donations by member and fund category. Choose between several statement formats. Maintain a comprehensive audit trail for all donations received. View Module Details Return To Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. VVISMENU RCMTSMENU Visitation Maintain information on shut-ins, visit dates and visitation routes. Includes nice memo pad for each member an sophisticated appointment schedular. View Module Details Return to Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. VSETMENU RCMTSMENU Customize Church Setup Customize CMTS to the special needs and requirements of your Church. Determine whether or not to require passwords, enter fund categories, special date descriptions, organization names, talents, much more. View Module Details Return To Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. VREPMENU RCMTSMENU Additional Reports Run additional reports that you have created using the Clarion Report Writer, reports that are part of a TDS report pack, or optionally reports that have been custom written for your church. View Module Details Return To Help Menu Press to terminate HELP. MCMTS1 DCMTS2 FCMTS3 ACMTS4 VCMTS5 CCMTS6 - ACMTS7 Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter Membership of a menu option to move highlight Donations bar to that option. To make a menu Fund Accounting selection, position the hightlight bar Attendance over the item and press ENTER. For Visitation detailed help on any option, select Customize Setup the option below in the same manner. Additional Reports Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. Church Name Enter the Church name as you wish it to appear on all reports and menus. Be sure to center the name within the total space available for the field. Press . Press to terminate HELP. Comments Enter up to three lines of comments related to this record. Press to write the record at any time. Press to terminate HELP. Report Confirmation You may direct the report to either the screen or to a printer by pressing F2 to toggle the direction. To cancel the report press ESC. Press any other key to continue. For more information on report generation, see the related section in the manual. Press to terminate HELP. Fund Number Enter up to four digits corresponding to the fund number for this fund category. You may also press to view a pop up table of all funds. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP Budget Amount Enter the monthly budget amount for this account for this month. To enter the same amount for each month enter the monthly amount for January and press . Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP Journal Entries The total of all debits and credits must be equal before the transaction is can be ended. To add a new entry press . To change an existing entry position the selector bar over the desired record using either the and keys, or the and keys. Then press . To delete a record position the selector the selector bar over the desired record, then press . Press to continue Require Password Indicate 'Y' to require a password to access each module, indicate 'N' if you do not require security. IMPORTANT - If you elect to require a pass- word, be sure and set up the passwords for each user before activating this feature. If you fail to do so, you will be locked out. Press to terminate HELP. Event 2 Description The congregational attendance capability supports up to three user definable events. Enter a description for event 2. Press to terminate HELP. Event 3 Description The congregational attendance capability supports up to three user definable events. Enter a description for event 3. Press to terminate HELP. Fiscal Year Start Month When fund accounting is first installed, the the two-digit fiscal year starting month should be entered here. Thereafter, the field should never be changed. Press to terminate HELP. Donation Year Enter the year when you first set up CMTS. Then this field should normally not be maintained. Running the year end routine automatically updates this field. It should only be maintained under direction of the CMTS programmers. Press to terminate HELP. Fund Accounting Year When fund accounting is first installed, the current financial year should be entered here. Running the year end routine automatically updates this field from then on. Thereafter, the field should not be changed. Press to terminate HELP. User Description 1 Enter the description you wish to associate with the 1 byte user definable field. This field is on the membership maintenance screen. Press to terminate HELP. User Description 2 Enter the description you wish to associate with the 2 byte user definable field. This field is on the membership maintenance screen. Press to terminate HELP. User Description 5 Enter the description you wish to associate with the 5 byte user definable field. This field is on the membership maintenance screen. Press to terminate HELP. User Description 10 Enter the description you wish to associate with the 10 byte user definable field. This field is on the membership maintenance screen. Press to terminate HELP. Event 1 Description The congregational attendance capability supports up to three user definable events. Enter a description for event 1. Press to terminate HELP. Miscellanous Parameters To change any information, press . Press to continue Description Enter a description of up to 25 alphanumeric characters for this record. Press to terminate HELP. Description Number Enter up to 2 numeric digits unique to this description. This can range from 1 to 99. Press to terminate HELP. Category Number Enter up to 2 numeric digits unique to this category. This can range from 1 to 99. To view existing records through a pop-up table, press . Press to terminate HELP. DONMENU Post Donations By Name Post new donations and edit donations that have not been finalized. Members may be accessed quickly and conveniently by entering part or all of their last name,then positioning the selector bar on them. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP aiDONMENU Post Donations By Envelope Number Post new donations and edit donations that have not been finalized. Members may be accessed quickly and conveniently by entering part of their envelope number, and then positioning the seleclor bar. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Detail Data Entry Edit Listing After entering donations but before finalizing, you should print a data entry edit listing to insure that your data entry is error free. This report will list each transaction by fund category with both fund and grand totals. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP e DONMENU Summary Data Entry Edit Listing After entering donations but before finalizing, you should print a data entry edit listing to insure that your data entry is error free. This report will list total giving for each fund category. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Finalize Data Entry This routine updates the data base and creates a audit trail of the donation data entry. Prior to running this option you should insure through a Data Entry Edit Listing that your data entry is correct. Backup is recomended at this time. Once this routine is run, corrections must be made by posting adjusting transactions. See the user's manual for more information on this topic. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP dDONMENU Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance Maintain member's giving information. This option allows you to maintain member's pledge amount by fund category. You may enter both an annual and a "life of the fund" pledge amount for any category desired. You can even enter next year's pledge information in advance. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP raDONMENU Year End Roll This routine rolls the "year", moves all current year totals to prior year totals, clears the current year fields and prepares for the new year. Files should be backed up prior to selecting this option. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP esDONMENU Purge History This routine provides the ability to purge old transactions. In no event can current year trans- actions be purged. Backup of all data files should be run prior to executing this option. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Export Donation Data This option will allow you to export donation data into a comma delimited, ASCII text file. This file may then be accessed by many spreadsheets and other products that can import such files. See CMTS.DOC for the layout of this file. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP. tiDONMENU Statement Processing Options Select this option to view the statement processing menu. Several different statement processing options are available. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Detail Donation Inquiry By Member View detail donation transactions by member. Current year as well as historical transactions may be viewed. Transations that havve not been finalized may be viewed as well. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Detail Donation Inquiry By Fund View detail donation transactions by fund. Current year as well as historical transactions may be viewed. Transations that havve not been finalized may be viewed as well. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP HDONMENU Quarterly Fund Inquiry View summary information by fund category. Current year as well as prior year quarterly totals may be viewed. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP ADONA ($ KDONK BDONB LDONL CDONC MDONM DDOND NDONN EDONE ODONO FDONF PDONP GDONG QDONQ HDONH RDONR IDONI SDONS JDONJ TDONT XCMTSMENU Donation Module Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any option, select the option below in the same manner. A) Post Donations By Name K) Detail Donation Inquiry By Member B) Post Donations By Envelope Number L) Detail Donation Inquiry By Fund C) Detail Data Entry Edit Listing M) Quarterly Fund Inquiry D) Summary Data Entry Edit Listing N) Donation Activity By Member E) Finalize Data Entry O) Donation Activity By Fund F) Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance P) Donation Summary By Member G) Year End Roll Q) Donation Summary By Fund H) Purge History (Date Range) R) Weekly Donation Summary I) Export Donation Data S) Call List By Last Donation Date J) Statement Processing Options T) Quarterly Fund Summary X) Exit to Main Help Menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. !5/!/ !I/!/ !!/!/ !I/!/ !I/!/ !I/!/ DONMENU Donation Activity By Member Print detail donation transactions by member. Current year as well as historical transactions may be printed. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP leDONMENU Donation Activity By Fund Print detail donation transactions by fund. Current year as well as historical transactions may be printed. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP 11DONMENU Donation Summary By Member Print summary information by member. Current year as well as prior year quarterly totals may be printed. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP Donation Data Entry To enter another donation for this member, press . To change an existing entry, position the highlight bar over the desired selection, and press . When all transactions for this member have been entered press . Press to terminate help. ddDONMENU Donation Summary By Fund (Date Range) Print summary information by fund category for any user selectable date range. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Weekly Donation Summary Print a donation summary report with totals rolled up by fund category by week ending date. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP DONMENU Call List By Last Donation Date Print a "call list" of members based on a user selectable "last donation date" cutoff. Press ENTER to return to prior help menu Press ESC to terminate HELP /DONMENU Quarterly Fund Summary Print summary information by fund category. Current year as well as prior year quarterly totals may be printed. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP Transaction Distributions The total distribution amount must equal the amount to be distributed for this transaction. To add a new entry press . To change an existing entry position the selector bar over the desired record using either the and keys, or the and keys. Then press . To delete a record position the selector the selector bar over the desired record, then press . Press to continue Export Transactions This option will allow you to export transactions into a comma delimited, ASCII text file. The file may then be accessed by many spreadsheets and other products that can import such files. Press to cancel the export, any other key to continue. See the manual for the layout of this file. Press to terminate HELP. SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Family Number Enter a unique identifier for this family (up to four digits). When adding new families, the system will "autoassign" a family number. To accept this value, press - or - input the desired value and press . For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Family Name Enter the family name. This could be the last name, both the husband and wife's name or literally any format you desire. When you elect to print combined statements (husband and wife) together, this name will appear on the statement. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Name Sort Enter the last name. Certain reports will sort by this name. If the family name has the value "Mr and Mrs John Smith", the name "Smith" should be entered here to insure proper sorting. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Address Enter up to three address lines. The street address, city, state and zip code should all be entered within these fields. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 NFAM03 AFAM12 AFAM04 AFAM13 PFAM06 DFAM11 HKEYMOVE2 Statement Sort The zip code should be entered here as well as within the address fields. This is necessary so that reports and label programs that print in zip code order can sort properly. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Name Sort Alternate Address Address Alternate Phone Number Phone Number Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Phone Number Enter the telephone number for this household. This number will appear on rosters and other appropriate reports for all members belonging to this family. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Status Code This is a user-definable field. You may use this field to indicate families no longer active, etc. This is an especially handy field to use in conjunction with custom "Report Writer" reports. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 AFAM04 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Original Family This field is especially useful when it becomes necessary to assign a member his/her own address (a college student, etc.) This field provides a linkage and a reminder of the original family number. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Delete Family? This allows you to flag families for deletion. The "Purge" option will then delete families that have been flagged, provided that all family members have also been flagged and can be successfully deleted. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 PFAM06 AFAM13 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Alternate Address Enter up to three address lines. The street address, city, state and zip code should all be entered within these fields. The alternate address is ideal for a summer home, etc. You may toggle between the alternate and primary address by pressing F3. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM08 FFAM02 OFAM09 AFAM04 AFAM12 NFAM03 DFAM11 SFAM05 HKEYMOVE2 Alternate Phone Number Enter the phone number associated with the alternate address. This is usually the address of a summer home or temporary location. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Status Code Family Name Original Family Address Alternate Address Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Name Sort Delete Family? Statement Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. Finalize Transactions This routine updates the data base and creates a audit trail of all data entry. Prior to running this option you should insure through a Data Entry Edit Listing that your data entry is correct. Backup is recomended at this time. Once this routine is run, corrections must be made by posting adjusting transactions. See the user's manual for more information on this topic. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP CFUNMENU Enter Transactions Enter new financial transactions and edit transactions that have not been finalized. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Transaction Edit Listing After entering transactions but before finalizing, you should print a data entry edit listing to insure that your data entry is error free. This report will list each transaction by bank in check number order and show both bank and grand totals. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP onFUNMENU Finalize Transactions This routine updates the data base and creates a audit trail of all data entry. Prior to running this option you should insure through a Data Entry Edit Listing that your data entry is correct. Backup is recomended at this time. Once this routine is run, corrections must be made by posting adjusting transactions. See the user's manual for more information on this topic. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP tFUNMENU General Ledger Accounts You may add new accounts or maintain the description for any existing account. You may also flag inactive accounts for deletion, however no accounts will be deleted if they have a balance or current year trans- actions. The account types are: 1-Asset 2-Liability 3-Fund Equity 4-Revenue 5-Expenditure Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP Fund Description Enter an appropriate description of up to 30 characters for this fund. Press to terminate HELP Fund Number Enter up to four digits to assign an account number to this fund category. Press to terminate HELP >FUNMENU Bank Information For every bank checking account, you must set up a bank record. You will need to set up a corresponding asset account and expense account prior to adding a bank record. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Vendors Enter all vendors you normally write checks to. Your check reconiliation records will reflect the payee for each check. One time or occassional vendors do not have to be set up unless you wish to do so. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Check Reconcilation Select this option to indicate checks, deposits, and other transactions that have cleared the bank or appeared on the bank statement. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Year End Processing This routine rolls the "year", moves all current year totals to prior year totals, clears the current year fields and prepares for the new year. Monthly amounts and budget amounts are moved from current year to prior year as well. Files should always be backed up prior to selecting this option. Press to return to prior help menu Press to terminate HELP alFUNMENU Purge Old Transactions This routine provides the ability to purge old transactions. In no event can current year trans- actions be purged. Backup of all data files should be run prior to executing this option. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Purge Deleted Records This routine will delete accounts that have been flagged for deletion provided that 1 - The account balance is zero and 2- There are no current year transactions associated with the account. Insure that all files are backed up prior to executing this option. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. sFUNMENU Export Transactions This option will allow you to export financial trans- actions into a comma delimited, ASCII text file. This file may then be accessed by many spreadsheets and other products that can import such files. See CMTS.DOC for the layout of this file. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. !6/!/ FUNMENU Detail Transaction Inquiry View summary detail of all transactions. Both current year as well as historical transactions may be viewed. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Account Inquiry View summary information by account. Current year as well as prior year monthly totals may be viewed. For income and expense accounts, you may also view budget information. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP AFUNA LFUNL BFUNB MFUNM CFUNC ) NFUNN DFUND OFUNO EFUNE PFUNP FFUNF QFUNQ GFUNG RFUNR HFUNH SFUNS IFUNI TFUNT JFUNJ UFUNU KFUNK VFUNV WFUNW XCMTSMENU Menu Help Use , and to move the To make a menu selection, position highlight bar or press the first the hightlight bar over the item letter of a menu option to move and press ENTER. For detailed help highlight bar to that option. on any option, select the option &below in the same manner. A) Enter Transactions L) Transaction Detail Inquiry B) Transaction Edit Listing M) Account Inquiry C) Finalize Transactions N) Check Register D) General Ledger Accounts O) Chart of Accounts E) Bank Imformation P) Revenue and Expendure Statement F) Vendors Q) Sources and Uses of Funds G) Check Reconcilation R) Trial Balance H) Year End Processing S) Actual vs Budgeted Report I) Purge Old Transactions T) Check Register J) Purge Deleted Accounts U) Transaction Audit Trail K) Export Transactions V) Balance Sheet 'W) Changes in Fund Equity 'X) Exit to main help menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. FUNMENU Check Register View all deposits, checks, and other bank charges for each check account. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Chart of Accounts Print a list of all assets, liabilities, fund equity accounts, revenue accounts and expense accounts. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Revenue and Expenditure Statement This statement shows all revenues and expenditures by fund equity. Each fund equity account begins on a new page. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Source and Uses of Funds (Detail) View detail transaction level information effecting all fund equity accounts. All details effecting revenue (sources of funds) and expenditures (uses of funds) is shown. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Trial Balance A list of all accounts and the current balance for each account is shown. Fund equity accounts are shown with unadjusted balances as changes in fund equity is reflected in the balances of the revenue and expenditure accounts. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Actual vs Budgeted Summary Print actual vs budgeted amounts for each month for the current year as well as the prior year. All revenue and expenditure accounts are shown. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Check Register Print a report showing all deposits, checks, and bank charges for each check account. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Transaction Audit Trail Print detail transactions by transaction number for selected date range. Current year as well as his- torical transactions may be printed. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP FUNMENU Balance Sheet Print a balance sheet showing all asset, liability and fund equity accounts. The fund equity accounts reflect adjusted balances from revenue and expense accounts. Thus the balance sheet is always in balance. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. FUNMENU Changes in Fund Equity In summary form, prints a schedule showing the start- ing balance, and changes due to fund transfers, sources and uses of funds for each fund equity account. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. Password Enter your assigned password. Provided that your password allows access to this module you will then go to the menu. If access is denied, notify your system administrator. Press to terminate HELP Inquiry Press to return to the scrolling table. Press to terminate HELP Use the and keys, or the and the keys to browse, press to quit. Press to continue For more information on CMTS and CMTS PLUS, contact: Torbert Data Systems, Inc. P. O. Box 9218 Chesapeake, VA 23321 Voice (804) 488-5506 BBS (804) 488-4146 Press to terminate HELP General Journal Entries Press to make general journal entries for this transaction. Press when all entries are complete and total debits equal total credits. When making journal entries, the total debit amount must equal the total credit amount. Press to terminate HELP MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 SMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 LMBR14 DMBR27 Help on Key Movement Press to go to the next field. Use < > and < > to move from field to field. Press to cancel changes in the current field. Press + to cancel all changes. Press To write the record without completing all fields. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Spouse Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Label Sort Key Delete Member Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. FFAM01 SFAM05 FFAM02 SFAM08 AFAM04 AFAM09 PFAM06 DFAM11 NFAM03 Help on Key Movement Press to go to the next field. Use < > and < > to move from field to field. Press to cancel changes in the current field. Press + to cancel all changes. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Family Number Statement Sort Family Name Status Code Address Alternate Family Phone Number Delete Family? Name Sort Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. Help on Key Movement Press to go to the next field. Use < > and < > to move from field to field. Press to cancel changes in the current field. Press + to cancel all changes. Press To write the record without completing all fields. Press ESC to terminate HELP. Position the selector bar over the desired record using the and keys, or the and the keys. To select the record, press . Press to continue DA VL DB PM CC ( SN CD PO CE DP SF CQ SG SR RH LS PI LT DJ LU FK LV LW WX RY Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any option, select the option below in the same manner. Disk Vendors By Name Vendor Categories Disk Vendors By Category By Name Product Descriptions Customers By Account Number Sales Jouranl (Date Range) Customers By Individual Name Purchases Journal (Date Range) Customers By Company Disk Vendor Listing (Category) Suppliers By Account Number Customer Listing Suppliers By Company Supplier Listing Registrations (Sales) Labels - Disk Vendors Purchases Labels - Business Customers Data Entry Edit Listing Labels - Individual Customers Finalize (Update) Transactions Labels - Customers (By Product) &Labels - Suppliers &Weekly Sales Summary &Registered Users(By Product) Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Member Number Enter a unique identifier for this member (up to nine digits). You can use the member's social security number or use any numbering system you desire. The system will "autoassign" the next sequential number. To override this, simply, enter the desired number. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Family Number Enter the family number a ociated with this member. You may press to view a popup table of all families. Before a member can be added, the family must already exist. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 UMBR10 4 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Last Name Enter this member's last name of up to fifteen digits. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 UMBR11 4 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 First Name Enter this member's first name of up to twelve characters. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 4 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Middle Initial Enter this member's Middle Initial. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 4 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Title Please enter the title or "sirname" for this member (Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.) Use up to six characters as needed. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Marriage Code Please enter this member's marital status using the following code: S = Single -M = Married W = Widdow or Widder #D = Divorced For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Sex Code Enter this members sex using the following code: M = Male /F = Female For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 User Field 1 This field is user definable. You may use one alpha-numerical. character. One excellent use of this field is as a status indicator for custom reports written with Clarion's Report Writer. The description for this field may be maintained in the SETUP module. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Feild 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 User Field 2 This field is user definable. You may use two alpha-numerical. characters. One excellent use of this field is as a status indicator for custom reports written with Clarion's Report Writer. The description for this field may be maintained in the SETUP module. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 User Field 5 This field is user definable. You may use up to five alpha-numeric characters. The description for this field can be maintained in the setup module. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 User Field 10 This field is user definable. You may use up to five alpha-numeric characters. The description for this field may be maintained in the SETUP module. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 4 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 NMBR23 MMBR07 LMBR14 DMBR27 HKEYMOVE Label Code Select "Y" to print a label for this member when Membership Labels are printed. Select "N" to suppre printing of a label for this member. This code does not affect family labels or organizational labels. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Label Sort Key Delete Member Help on Key Movement Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Date Joined Enter the date this member joined in the following format: MM/DD/YY Unlike user-definable dates, this field is stored here to allow for custom reports that could key on this field. If you wish to view the date joined in date reports, you must duplicate this field in the special dates. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Relation May be used to indicate member's relationship within the family such as child, spouse, head-of-household, etc. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Employer Enter this member's Employer of up to 20 characters. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 4 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Work Phone Enter this member's work phone in the following format: ( For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 4 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Occupation Enter this member's occupation of up to twenty characters. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 4 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE DMBR27 Notes Enter any notes or comments about this member - up to sixty characters. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. MMBR01 SMBR08 4 DMBR18 FMBR02 UMBR09 RMBR19 LMBR03 UMBR10 EMBR20 FMBR04 UMBR11 WMBR21 MMBR05 UMBR12 OMBR22 TMBR06 LMBR13 NMBR23 MMBR07 HKEYMOVE Delete Member A value of "Y" indicates that this member is no longer active and should be deleted. The member will be deleted the next time the "Purge Deleted Records" option is selected provided no current donation transactions exist. For additional help, select any of the topics below and press . Member Number Sex Code Date Joined Family Number User Field 1 Relation Last Name User Field 2 Employer First Name User Field 5 Work Phone Middle Initial User Field 10 Occupation Title Label Code Notes Marriage Code Help on Key Movement Delete Member Press ESC to terminate HELP. AMENA ( KMENK BMENB LMENL CMENC MMENM DMEND NMENN EMENE OMENO FMENF PMENP GMENG QMENQ HMENH IMENI JMENJ XCMTSMENU Membership Module Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any menu option, select the option below and press ENTER. A) Families K) Complete Family Listing B) Individual Members L) Membership Profile Report C) Organizations M) "Special Dates" Report D) Special Talents N) "Special Talents" Report E) Special Dates O) Organizational Rosters F) Purge Deleted Records P) Complete Church Roster G) Mailing Labels By Family Q) Export Members For Mail Merge H) Mailing Labels By Individual Member I) Labels By Members of an Organization J) Label Test Pattern X) Exit To Main Help Menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. Envelope Number Enter a ten digit number for this member's envelope number. For HELP on key movement from this field Press Press to terminate HELP. Member Number Enter the member number or press for a scrolling table of all members to select from. Press to terminate HELP. Purge Deleted Records In both the family and member files, there is a field such as "DELETE MEMBER? Y/N". This routine will delete members and families that have been marked for deletion under these conditions. Families will not be deleted if members exist. Members will not be deleted if current year donations exist. When a member is deleted, he is automatically removed from organizations, etc. Press to terminate HELP. RNKEYMOVE3 Shut In Select if the member is a shut in and confined to the house. Otherwise, select . Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP. KEYMOVE3 Date Last Visit Enter the date this member was last visited by a represenative from the church. Press fr help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP. elMBRMENU Families Enter information on each family within the Church. There should be one record for each family. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Individual Members Enter information on every member within the Church. This file stores member specific information as opposed to the family file which stores information which all members of a household have in common. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Organizations Add members to any organization within the Church. Access all members of a specific organization with this selection. Note: All organizations a specific member belongs to may be accessed from the "Individual Members" selection. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. 6/MBRMENU Special Talents View and maintain all members assigned to a specific talent or skill. Note: You may maintain the talents of a specific member using the "Individual Member" option. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Special Dates View and maintain all members associated with a specific date. Note: You may maintain the special dates of a specific member using the "Individual Member" option. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. 6/MBRMENU Purge Deleted Records In both the family and member files, there is a field such as "DELETE MEMBER? Y/N". This routine will delete members and families that have been marked for deletion under certain conditions. Families will not be deleted if members exist. Members will not be deleted if current year donations exist. When a member is deleted, he is automatically removed from organizations, etc. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. !6MBRMENU Mailing Labels By Family Print one mailing label for each family or household. Mailing labels are printed in zip code order and are printed on 3 1/2" by 15/16" labels. This label format is the most popular and is easy to find. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. /MBRMENU Mailing Labels By Individual Member Print mailing labels for each member of the entire congregation. Mailing labels will be printed in zip code order and member's will be skipped if the print label flag is set to "N". 3 1/2" by 15/16" labels are used. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Labels By Members of an Organization Print all members of a single organization. This report prints labels in zip code order. Choose the organization by organization number at run time. The label size is 3 1/2" by 15/16". Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Label Test Pattern Print a "test pattern" to insure your labels are positioned in the printer correctly. All label reports in CMTS use the widely available 3 1/2" by 15/16" labels. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Complete Family Listing This report provides a complete listing of all family specific information. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. MBRMENU Membership Profile Report This report provides detail membership information. No financial (giving) information is included. That information must be printed from the donation module. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. 1MBRMENU "Special Dates" Report Need to know everyone celebrating a birthday next week? Perhaps you want all special dates for next month. With this powerful report you are able to print a list of all members that celebrate a special date or anniversary for a specific date range. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. r MBRMENU "Special Talents" Report Handy list of all members that possess a particular skill or talent (from among the talents defined in setup). Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. tMBRMENU Organizational Rosters Print a complete roster of any organization within the Church. This is a convenient list which shows the member's name and telephone number. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. lyMBRMENU Complete Church Roster Print a complete congregational roster. This is a convenient list with each member's name and telephone number. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. atMBRMENU Export Members for Mail Merge This option will allow you to export certain member- ship information into a comma delimited, ASCII text file. This file may then be accessed by the mail merge capability of many word processors. See CMTS.DOC for the layout of this file. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP. KEYMOVE3 Fund To Pledge Enter the fund number for the desired fund or press for a table of valid funds. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Annual Pledge Amount Enter the amount this individual pledges to this fund category for the entire year. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP SKEYMOVE3 Fund Life Pledge Enter the amount this individual pledges to this fund category for the life of the fund. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Next Year Pledge Enter the amount this individual pledges to this fund category for next year. The year ending process will move this amount to the current year field. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP Table To maintain an existing record: Position the selector bar over the desired record using the and keys, or the and keys. To select the record, press . Press to continue Pastor Enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters for the pastor's name. For HELP on key movement from this field Press Press to terminate HELP. Print Code This field allows suppression of statement printing for all members that have no active donations or pledges. Select to print statements for ALL members. Select to only print statements for members having donations or pledges in the current or previous year. Press to terminate HELP. Purge History Enter a four digit year for the transactions to be purged. In no event can current year trans- actions be purged. Backup of all data files should be run prior to executing this option. Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Category Select a category for this report. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP inKEYMOVE3 Title Enter the title for this report, up to 50 characters. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Report Name Enter the eight character report name (as it appears on disk). The extension ".DEF" will be assumed. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP #/KEYMOVE3 Database Name Enter the eight character database name (as it appears on disk). The extension ".DEF" will be assumed. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Report Direction Select "S" to direct the report to the screen. Select "P" to direct the report to the printer. Select "F" to direct the report to a disk file. Press to terminate HELP REPMENU Reports By Category Select the desired report by first choosing the report category. Position the selector bar over the desired category and press . Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP REPMENU Reports By Name Select the desired report. To do so, position the selector bar over the desired category and press . Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP REPMENU Maintain Categories Categories may be added as required. The menu is soft, thus new categories may be added to the system as required. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP REPMENU Maintain Reports Reports may be added as required. The menu is soft, thus new reports written with the Clarion Report Writer may be added as necessary. Press to return to prior help menu. Press to terminate HELP AREPA BREPB CREPC DREPD XCMTSMENU Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any option, select the option below in the same manner. A) Reports By Category B) Reports By Name C) Maintain Categories D) Maintain Reports X) Exit to Main Help Menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. Year End Processing This routine rolls the "year", moves all current year totals to prior year totals, clears the current year fields and prepares for the new year. Files should be backed up prior to selecting this option. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP Last Name Enter the last name of the individual for whom security is being assigned. Press to terminate HELP. First Name Enter the first name of the individual for whom security is being assigned. Press to terminate HELP. Initials Enter the initials of the individual for whom security is being assigned. The user's initials will appear on all transactions when they are finalized. Press to terminate HELP. Password Enter the password for the individual for whom security is being assigned. This is only used if the "Require Password" flag is set. Press to terminate HELP. Module Access For each module indicate whether this user is allowed access. This is only relevant when the "Require Password" flag is set to "Y". Press to terminate HELP. To select the report you wish to run, position the selector bar over the desired report using either the and keys, or the and keys. Then press . Press to continue SETMENU Fund Categories You may add new fund categories or maintain the descriptions of existing ones. Fund categories must exist prior to creating new accounts. All donations are assigned to a fund category. A cash disbursement account must be assigned to a fund category as well. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP >SETMENU Date Descriptions Enter or maintain the descriptions for all significant dates you wish to track for the membership (birthday, wedding anniversary, etc.) Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP FASETMENU Organizations Enter or maintain the descriptions for all organizations within the church for which a roster, mailing list, attendance and other records are desired. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP MSETMENU Talents Enter or maintain the descriptions for all talents you wish to track for the membership. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP SETMENU Password Security If password access is desired, maintain the passwords for all users you wish to allow access to the system. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP SETMENU Miscellanous Parameters Maintain miscellanous parameters. Indicate if passwords will be required. Press to terminate HELP >SETMENU List of Fund Categories Print a list of all fund categories set up in the system. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP >SETMENU List of Date Descriptions Print a list of all date descriptions set up in the system. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP >SETMENU List of Organizations Print a list of all organizations set up in the system. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP ENSETMENU List of Talents Print a list of all talents and skills set up in the system. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP ASETA ( GSETG BSETB HSETH CSETC ISETI DSETD JSETJ ESETE FSETF XCMTSMENU Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any option, select the option below in the same manner. A) Fund Categories G) List of Fund Categories B) Date Descriptions H) List of Date Descriptions C) Organizations I) List of Organizations D) Talents J) List of Talents E) Password Security F) Miscellanous Parameters X) Exit to Main Help Menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. BSTATEA PSTATEB LSTATEC PSTATED SSTATEE ( SSTATEF Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first Build Statement Work File letter of a menu option to move Print Statements highlight bar to that option. To Label Test Pattern make a menu selection, position Print Mailing Labels the hightlight bar over the item Single Statement - Summary Format and press ENTER. For detailed help Single Statement - Detail Format on any option, select the option below in the same manner. Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. STATE Build Statement Work File Prior to printing statements, this option must be run to create the statement work file. See the manual for information on saving this work file to reprint statements at a future date (after year end processing, etc.) Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP !STATE Print Statements Print statements for the entire membership. Both individual statements and combined statements for members so marked will be printed. Statements will print in zip code sequence. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP l STATE Label Test Pattern Print a "test pattern" to insure your labels are positioned in the printer correctly. All label reports in CMTS use the widely available 3 1/2" by 15/16" labels. Press to return to Main Menu Help. Press to terminate HELP. .STATE Print Mailing Labels Print labels for the statement run. Labels will be printed in the same sequence as the statements. This option also uses the statement work file created with option A. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP eSTATE Single Statement - Summary Format Print a single statement for one member. This statement will be printed in the same format used for option B, the main statement program. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP eSTATE Single Statement - Detail Format Print a single statement for one member. This statement will be printed in a detail format showing each transaction and the date it occurred. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP To add a new record: press . To maintain an existing record: Position the selector bar over the desired record using either the and keys, or the and keys. Then press . To delete a record: Position the selector bar over the desired record, then press . Press to continue To maintain a record: Position the selector bar over the desired record using either the and keys, or the and keys. Then press . Press to continue Entering Distributions Press to enter distribution information. Press to terminate work on this transaction. When entering distribution records, the total amount of all records must equal the amount entered on this screen. Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Account Number Enter a valid account number or press to select from a table of accounts. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP Transaction Type Enter a valid transaction type. Valid types are: 1 - Unfinalized Transactions 2 - Current Year Transactions 3 - History 4 - Future Transactions Press to terminate HELP. enKEYMOVE3 Bank Number Enter the bank general ledger account number that this transaction will be applied to or press enter to view a table of valid banks. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP Check Number Enter up to six digits corresponding to the check number for this transaction. Press to terminate HELP NMKEYMOVE3 Transaction Date Enter the transaction date. The system will auto- matically apply the transaction to the proper period based on the date entered. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP. \KEYMOVE3 Debit Amount Enter the transaction amount for this entry. This amount will be debited to the indicated account. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP U for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP D!KEYMOVE3 Reference Enter up to as 30 character reference detailing the nature of this transaction. This is especially useful for entering correcting entries, adjustments, etc. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP Transaction Type Enter a valid transaction type. Valid types are: 1 - Unfinalized Transactions 2 - Current Year Transactions 3 - History Press to terminate HELP. 8KEYMOVE3 Transaction Date Enter the transaction date. The system will auto- matically apply the transaction to the proper period based on the date entered. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP. Fund Number Enter the fund number or press for a scrolling table of all funds to select from. Press to terminate HELP. D!KEYMOVE3 Transaction Amount Enter the amount of this transaction. Negative amounts may be entered to make adjusting entries. The "-" sign must be entered last. For HELP on key movement from this field Press Press to terminate HELP. KEYMOVE3 Reference Enter any comments regarding this transaction. This is the appropriate place to indicate a correction or an adjustment. For HELP on key movement from this field Press Press to terminate HELP. TRNMENU Bank Deposits Enter bank deposit and distribute deposit amount among accounts as appropriate. The total amount of the distribution must equal the deposit amount. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP TRNMENU Checks (Cash Disbursements) Enter check amount and indicate distribution as appropriate. The total amount of the distribution must equal the check amount. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP TRNMENU Miscellanous Bank Charge Enter the amount of any bank service charges. The transactions will be generated automatically based on the bank asset account and bank expense account as defined in the bank file. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP TRNMENU Fund Transfers Indicate the amount being transferred from the selected fund and the distribution of funds that will receive the amount. The distribution amount must equal the amount being transferred. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP TRNMENU Miscellanous Journal Entries Enter transactions as approriate. Total debit amount must equal total credit amount. Press to return to Main Menu Help Press to terminate HELP ATRNA BTRNB CTRNC DTRND ( ETRNE Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move A) Bank Deposits highlight bar to that option. To B) Checks (Cash Disbursements) make a menu selection, position C) Miscellanous Bank Charges the hightlight bar over the item D) Fund Transfers and press ENTER. For detailed help E) Miscellanous Journal Entries on any option, select the option below in the same manner. Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. Finalize Transactions This routine updates the data base and creates a audit trail of all data entry. Prior to running this option you should insure through a Data Entry Edit Listing that your data entry is correct. Backup is recomended at this time. Once this routine is run, corrections must be made by posting adjusting transactions. See the user's manual for more information on this topic. Press to terminate HELP User Initials Enter your initials. When financial entries are finalized, the user's initials as well as a date and time stamp are appended to each transaction. Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Vendor Name Enter the name for this vendor. This name can be automatically used as the payee on checks when entering check transactions. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP ATKEYMOVE3 Address Enter up to three lines of address information for this vendor. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP 3 KEYMOVE3 Contact Enter the name of the primary contact person for this vendor. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Telephone Enter the vendor telephone number in format. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP TTKEYMOVE3 Enter the vendor fax number in format. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Comments Enter any notes or comments regarding this vendor. This information is stored here for documentation purposes. Press for help on key movement Press to terminate HELP VISMENU Members' Visitation Information Maintain visitation information for each member including last visit date, whether this member is a shutin, visitation route, etc. There is a convenient memopad for each member where additional notes can be saved. Press ENTER to return to prior help menu. Press ESC to exit Help. TEVISMENU Appointment Schedular Maintain a schedule of all visits and other appointments. A comprehensive calendar and appointment schedular with a daily memo pad as well. Press ENTER to return to prior HELP menu. Press ESC to terminate HELP. VISMENU Call List By Donation Date Print a "call list" of members based on a user selectable "last donation date" cutoff. Press ENTER to return to prior help menu. Press ESC to terminate HELP VISMENU Call List By Last Attendance Date Print a "call list" of members based on a user selectable "last attendance date" cutoff. Press ENTER to return to prior help menu. Press ESC to terminate HELP VISMENU Visitation Roster By Route Print a visitation roster of members based on selectable "visitation routes". Press ENTER to return to prior help menu. Press ESC to terminate HELP KEYMOVE3 Visitation Route Enter the member's visitation route number. This field is not mandatory. Press for help on key movement. Press to terminate HELP. AVISA BVISB CVISC DVISD EVISE XCMTSMENU Menu Help Use , and to move the highlight bar or press the first letter of a menu option to move highlight bar to that option. To make a menu selection, position the hightlight bar over the item and press ENTER. For detailed help on any option, select the option below in the same manner. A) Members' Visitation Information B) Appointment Schedular C) Call List By Donation Date D) Call List By Last Attendance Date E) Visitation Roster By Route X) Exit to Main Help Menu Press ESC to terminate HELP. .!!.!!. p-!!/ p-!!/ p-!!/ p-!!/ p-!!/ p-!!/ Year End Roll This routine rolls the "year", moves all current year totals to prior year totals, clears the current year fields and prepares for the new year. Files should be backed up prior to selecting this option. Press to terminate HELP !ACC1 ACC2 ACC3 r ACC4 R ACC5 = ACCMENU ACCPURGE ADDRESS ATC01 " ATC02 ) ATC03 ATC04 ATC05 ATO01 ATO02 } ATO03 4 ATTA ATTB ATTC *& ATTCUS1 O( ATTCUS2 w* ATTCUS3 ATTCUS4 ATTCUS5 ATTD |4 ATTE ATTF +: ATTG ATTH ATTI AB ATTJ ATTK ATTL ATTM ATTMENU ATTN 5T BAN1 8V BAN10 BAN11 BAN12 BAN2 BAN3 BAN4 BAN5 Pg BAN6 Zi BAN8 BAN9 CAL1 CAL2 CAL3 #w CAT1 U{ CD1 ]} CD10 0 CD2 CD5 CHE1 CHE2 CHE3 CMTS f CMTS1 I CMTS2 CMTS3 CMTS4 , CMTS5 CMTS6 : CMTS7 CMTSMENU CNAME z COMBINE R COMMENT3 CONFIRM E CSH3 CSH4 9 CTABLE \ CTL1 L CTL10 N CTL11 CTL12 ^ CTL3 w CTL4 CTL5 8 CTL6 CTL7 CTL8 * CTL9 CTLTBL [ DESC DESCNO J DESCRIPT DONA DONB n DONC DOND DONE ? DONF DONG DONH I DONI DONJ L DONK z DONL DONM } DONMENU DONN C DONO h DONP u DONPOST DONQ DONR DONS DONT w DTABLE EXPORT FAM01 W FAM02 [ FAM03 D FAM04 FAM05 p& FAM06 6+ FAM08 FAM09 FAM11 r9 FAM12 I> FAM13 fC FINAL FUNA yK FUNB `M FUNC 'P FUND FUNDDESC FUNDNO ]X FUNE FUNF u\ FUNG FUNH Ya FUNI md FUNJ FUNK [j FUNL "m FUNM No FUNMENU FUNN ?y FUNO &{ FUNP '} FUNQ ; FUNR FUNS K FUNT FUNU FUNV FUNW f INIT_SCR INQFORM INQUIRY 3 INTRO JPAUSE KEYMOVE A KEYMOVE2 KEYMOVE3 LUTABLE MAIN MBR01 MBR02 * MBR03 MBR04 MBR05 3 MBR06 C MBR07 MBR08 ' MBR09 n MBR10 MBR11 MBR12 I MBR13 MBR18 MBR19 MBR20 MBR21 MBR22 MBR23 MBR27 - MBRMENU MEMENVNO MEMNO2 MEMPURGEh* MEMSHUTI MEMVISIT MENA MENB MENC MEND T8 MENE MENF MENG MENH MENI 0F MENJ MENK MENL MENM MENN MENO MENP MENQ MFD02 MFD03 MFD04 MFD05 NDTABLE PASTOR PRINTCD PURGE \h REP1 REP2 &l REP3 REP4 xo REP5 Pq REPA &s REPB _u REPC lw REPD xy REPMENU ROLL SEC1 SEC2 SEC3 SEC4 SEC5 { SELTABLE0 SETA X SETB b SETC z SETD SETE { SETF n SETG SETH SETI SETJ SETMENU U STATE Y STATEA \ STATEB STATEC STATED STATEE & STATEF ~ TABLE TABLE2 2 TPAUSE TRA1 TRA10 TRA2 TRA5 TRA6 v TRA7 TRA8 ~ TRA9 w TRN01 TRN02 TRN03 TRN04 8 TRN05 TRNA TRNB TRNC = TRND TRNE > TRNMENU V UPDATE & USERINITk VEN1 VEN2 VEN5 VEN6 VEN7 VEN8 VISA VISB y VISC VISD B VISE VISITROT VISMENU f YEAREND